
About Us

Stollen Lucerne Data Center

ewl energie wasser luzern runs the high-security data center, the Stollen Lucerne Data Center, in the city of Lucerne. The data center is located in the middle of the Central Switzerland region, in the heart of the country, and is housed in an underground bunker complex, where it lies shielded from the outside world, boasting 1,640 square meters of floor space for IT operations and around 600 racks.

Its well-connected location and the versatility and scalability of its solutions further enhance the facility’s services. The underground nature of the space, together with the incredible levels of physical security, protection, quality and energy efficiency, truly set this unique data center apart.

Our Promise

The Stollen Lucerne Data Center combines state-of-the-art technology with sustainability, while always catering to the individual needs of our customers.

highly secure

highly secure

In our underground high-security bunker, your data is protected to the maximum.



Thanks to CO2-neutral operations,
we are one of the most sustainable
data centers in Switzerland.



Our competent advisors on site will take care of every one of your customer concerns.


Individual and modular

The range of services offered by the Stollen Lucerne Data Center covers various scalable options and performance levels, allowing you to have your say in the setup of the space. This ability to individually, modularly adapt the layout means your existing hardware can be perfectly integrated within our modular concept. Colocation racks, private cage or private suite - the various expansion and performance levels of the Stollen Lucerne data center offer individual and modular solutions for customer-specific requirements – and all this in the heart of Switzerland in a unique, underground bunker.


CO2-neutral operation

The Stollen Luzern Data Center is a member of the European "Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact" and, as a CO2-neutral data center, actively contributes to climate protection. Through the use of waste heat, cooling by lake energy and the sensible conversion of a former civil defense facility, our data center is one of the most sustainable data centers in Switzerland.

Logo Climate Neutral Data Center