Premium cloud provider
Flow Swiss AG is a ISO-27001 certified Swiss public cloud service provider, which offers compute (IaaS), app engine (PaaS), managed kubernetes, object storage and devops services among others. Flow works only with the best data center suppliers in Switzerland and guarantees, that all customer data is hosted exclusively in Switzerland. The company is still run by its founders and stands for premium cloud services with a focus on simplicity.
Flow Swiss AG is a premium cloud provider that operates according to the highest security standards. As one of the leading public cloud service providers in Switzerland, Flow works exclusively with the best data centers in Switzerland. In search of an exclusive data center, Flow was looking for a data center that reflects the quality standards of their company and meets the high requirements of their demanding customers.
Hierbei war Flow besonders wichtig, dass das Rechenzentrum alle modernen Sicherheitsstandards zum Schutz der sensiblen Daten und Systeme ihrer Kunden zuf 100 Prozent erfüllt und ebenfalls nach ISO-27001 Standard zertifiziert ist. Zudem achtet das Unternehmen darauf, ihren CO2-Fussabdruck möglichst gering zu halten, was auch ihren Kunden zunehmend wichtig ist. Zu guter Letzt, suchte Flow nach einem Standort in der Zentralschweiz, welcher ideal angebunden und gut erreichbar ist.
Flow Swiss AG has found an ideal partner for storing the business-critical data and systems of its customers in Central Switzerland in the Stollen Luzern Data Center. Under the regional name "ALP2", the company is expanding its catchment area in Switzerland and is relying on the Stollen Luzern Data Center with its unique location in an underground bunker.
Maximale physische Sicherheit im hochwassergeschützten Bunker, biometrische Zugangskontrolle, kontinuierliche Messung aller Umgebungsfaktoren und maximaler Brandschutz erfüllen die Sicherheitsanforderungen von Flow und ihren Kunden zu 100 Prozent. Hinzu kommt die redundante Auslegung aller vitalen Systeme und finanzielle Sicherheit und Stabilität des Rechenzentrums mit ewl als Investorin. Mehr Sicherheit geht nicht.
As a data center with a minimal carbon footprint, the Stollen Luzern Data Center is already one of the most sustainable data centers in Switzerland. By operating with CO2-neutral electricity, natural cooling with water from Lake Lucerne or the use of waste heat in its own energy network, it meets the highest ecological standards. As a member of the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact, the Stollen Luzern Data Center has set itself the ambitious goal of becoming completely CO2 neutral by 2030.
Mit seiner zentralen Lage im Herzen der Schweiz, mitten in Luzern, und ihrer idealen Anbindung an Schweizer Kommunikations- und Energienetze ist es der ideale Standort für Flow’s neue Hosting-Region „ALP2”. Wir freuen uns auf die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit mit der Flow Swiss AG und bedanken uns für das Vertrauen.
"The Stollen Luzern Data Center is one of the most secure data centers. It is perfect for our customers and ideally complements our service portfolio."
Reto Giezendanner
Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Flow Swiss AG

Product in Use
Excellent security for your sensitive data using cage storage, available for eight racks or more.